Let's Talk about it!!!
"LETS TALK ABOUT SEX BABY" Salt-n-Peppa We all know this day and time, SEX is not a taboo to discuss or to see anymore. Sex is overrated in some eyes because it's typically the same routine. Well... my friends today the topic of sex will change your view on being "overrated." This topic can get intense and ruffle a few collars due to personal opinions, religion and comfort. When did the time come to say sex is okay to be open? Do factors play in key in discussing sex, thinking of sex, remembering sex and having sex? Are the age limits to sex? Do men have more sex than women? Why does society look at women so taboo for doing what men do especially with sex? “ The subject of sex preoccupies us. It's the source of our most intense pleasures. Often it's also the cause of misery, much of which arises from built-in conflicts between the evolved roles of women and men. ” "Why is Sex Fun? The Evolution of Human Sexuality" by Jared Diamond...