
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Perfect Drink

Have you ever set and thought about the kind of drink you are? Really, when you go out and order at the bar are you sure on your drink, still deciding on a drink, playing it safe, playing it on funds or are you open to something new? Do your drink preference match your fashion style? Let's say you are a mimosa type of drinker, a little bubbly and soft with a lot of citrus flavor that is just enough to enjoy the social scene. Now for the fruity, but with a kick drinks for example, levels with Hennessy or Crown Royal or Jack Daniels consist of strawberry or grenadine on the bottom level, pineapple juice in the middle, blue curacao on the top level and either a shot of brown whisky or cognac on the side or the top of the drink. This drink gives adventure, flavor, and a kick to start off your evening right. The traditional style of drink such as crown and coke, vodka and cranberry are strong, assertive, no need for change. They like what they like and nothing can change t...

Fashion Dos & Don'ts

Today's fashion time frame has changed over the years. Some have resurfaced (I have no idea why...Lol), but some for the good and for the bad.  Let’s discuss why realistically fashion should be monitored and spoke about. People allow themselves to just go with what is out in the fashion scene instead of being realistic about their, bodies, their level of comfortable and their confidence. 1. First rule of thumb, DON'T criticize or damage person self-esteem. There are ways in helping someone without destroying them. 2.  DO wear whatever you want. Explore your inner fashionista; express yourself through your clothing. 3. DON'T be afraid to break some fashion rules: Let's make it clear, NONE should never be afraid to express themselves, but lets also keep in mind and be honest with ourselves on why the expression is needed. 4. DO wear patterns such as lines, stripes, dots horizontally and vertically. 5. DON'T let fear stop you from making bold decisions...